Admissions + Tuition

Berean Classical Christian School partners with families in the sacred task of training children in the way they should go (Proverbs 22:6). We adhere to the truth that it is the family which has the primary responsibility for the training and raising of children, and we consider it a privilege to join you in this mission.

Learn more about Classical Christian Education here.

We realize that who we are is much more important that what we know or can do, and that how a student goes through his/her day, doing the things assigned, is important. We use classical strategies—those used for centuries before progressive ideas became popular—to engage students in rigorous learning. That is why ACCS schools out-perform all other categories of schools.  Our goal is to continue toward ACCS accreditation both for the school and individual teachers.

It is our primary desire that every student have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and that all else pales in importance to this life-altering decision. We seek to train through a Christian worldview. Obtaining that worldview requires bringing our thoughts captive to God’s Word. We are commanded to love God with all of our heart, soul, and mind. Learning to love God with our mind requires a diligent (2 Peter 1:5), dedicated (Philippians 4:8), and determined (Colossians 3:1) mind. As a man thinketh …

We look forward to growth for this school, with our continued desire to remain intimate partners with you, our parents, in this most sacred of tasks.


•  Parents/guardians must be able to support the school’s mission and vision statements, core beliefs, core values, and the school policies.

•  Students must be able to accomplish the required academic work.

•  Students must maintain a high standard of Christian conduct both in school and out. Please read Parent-Student Handbook for specific expectations.

•  Kindergarten students must be five years old by August 31.

We welcome new families to contact us with questions or download the application form for more information.


Application Fee is $75.00 per student (non-refundable)


$375 (Kindergarten)

$415 (Grades 1st-3rd)

$440 (Grades 4th-6th)

$560 (Grades 7th-8th)


$4,500 (Kindergarten)

$7,100 (Grades 1st-3rd)

$7,800 (Grades 4th-6th)

$8,100 (Grades 7th-8th)

*Discount Available

3rd Child – 10% discount

Children after the fourth are free

Please contact us with any questions.